Becoming a Doctor at 25

Get opportunity to volunteer your Digital health skills.

Hey friends, Joyce here

To be honest, I didn't do much in the healthtech field this week; I didn't catch up with creative news or who is recruiting, but you may check out my other newsletter item to hunt for open space for healthtech firms.

This week, I was inducted into the Nigerian Medical Association, and I am now completely certified to practice in Nigeria. I spent the majority of the week organizing for the big day, which included travel arrangements, food preparations, and ensuring that the day was a success. And, indeed, it was a success.
Here is proof;😊

Getting Inducted into Medical Profession.

But something horrible happened this day: on my journey back in delight, I learned of the deaths of three colleagues, Dr Theo, Felix, and Favour, who died in an accident on their way back from the Induction.

This news made me feel too terrible to enjoy or even share details about my day. This grief made me completely numb, sober, reflective, and reminded me of when I lost my father and elder sister in less than a year span and I went through a series of depressive episodes from the fear of death to loneliness and the fickleness of life, one resource that helped me during this time was "when things fall apart" by Pema Chondron, and of course, prayers. Leaning on to a higher power got me through this phase. Death comes to everyone, not at the same time but surely to all, life is for the living so make the most of it while you can.

🌍Opportunity in MedTech

During the week, I declined my role as a cofounder of a medtech company and elected to stay on board as a volunteer, to help health practitioners capture the healthtech field by learning digital health skills. This was a difficult, but essential, decision.

Call for Volunteers

While I continue to volunteer, Medicsintech has opened a hiring window for other volunteers with varied digital health talents who want to be mentors or course teachers for these courses. Check the link to register; terms and conditions apply. Registration closes on April 1, 2024.

🎉Little wins( Newsletter Progress)

HealthLista Metrics

This screenshot displays my newsletter metrics on this date. And for reference, it's only been three weeks of consistency; I'm publishing these numbers to keep myself accountable and grateful because I had hoped to reach 100 subscribers in March, but I've already surpassed that target and am nearly at 200.

If you love this email, please share the link with a healthtech enthusiast friend so that they can also subscribe.

Have a fantastic week.

Quote of the week

"Life is for the living, get your self together and start living"